Our Mission

Moving on Strong is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 community based organization with a mission to help furnish homes through transitional housing programs for those who have fallen victim to domestic violence, homelessness or those left destitute. Moving on Strong was designed to help furnish homes with furniture such as sofas, kitchen tables, dressers, desks, etc.

About Us

“The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.”- Mother Teresa.

After losing my mom and others close to me and being responsible for cleaning out their homes, I became aware of the lack of places there are to donate furniture. Moving On Strong has a collection of gently used donated furniture and will work closely with organizations such as Help of Southern Nevada (https://www.helpsonv.org/), SafeNest (https://safenestdonate.org/) , Safe Haven (https://www.safehavennv.org/), ShadeTree (https://theshadetree.org/) , and any other organization in need of furniture for their transitional housing programs.

Las Vegas has the 2nd highest rate of unsheltered unaccompanied youth in the nation. Nevada has the 4th highest rate of domestic violence in the nation. Everyone deserves a chance at a good life and helping someone furnish their home by giving them something that they can call their own, is a start. Together we are Moving on Strong.